August 2009 - Cape Felix
The Bayne Project. Participants: Tom Gross, Eileen Gross
Base Camp Franklin Point
Broken cup found about 50 feet from the Gore Cairn, Gore Point
Close-up of broken cup
En route to Collinson Inlet
En route to Collinson Inlet
Eileen on ATV riding the shore of Collinson Inlet
Franklin Point with Collinson Inlet and Cape Jane Franklin
in the background
Tom Gross at Franklin Point
Gore Cairn, Gore Point
August 2010 - Cape Felix
The Bayne Project. Participants: Tom Gross, Shawn Carter
Field of arctic cotton in the middle of King William Island
Franklin Point, a sea of rock
Packed up and ready to go near Gore Point; Collinson Inlet
in the background
Seal Bay, free of ice in August
Shore line into Seal Bay from Franklin Point
Duck blind at Seal Bay